The relationship of bupivacaine and ropivacaine with the smoothness of breast milk in maternity patients.

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Musa Ghufron
Putri Naula Abbas
Nur Mujaddidah Mochtar
Syaiful Rochman


Introduction: Breast milk is the most crucial source of nutrition containing essential substances for a child’s immunity against diseases can digest solid food. The medical world always strives to find appropriate methods to reduce pain during labor, called Intrathecal Labor Analgesia (ILA) method. This study aims to analyze the relationship of bupivacaine and ropivacaine with the smoothness of breast milk in maternity patients. Methods: The patients were given analgesic drugs to determine the effect on their fluencies of breast milk within 24 hours. This research was conducted by doing medical record intervention toward the patients’ identity, drugs, and ILA doses and observing them through giving questionnaires for the treatment of post-partum through the ILA method at a puerperal room of the hospital.


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Cómo citar
Ghufron, M., Abbas, P. N., Mochtar, N. M., & Rochman, S. (2022). The relationship of bupivacaine and ropivacaine with the smoothness of breast milk in maternity patients. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(1), 9–15. Recuperado a partir de