Stimulus from the activator agent Solanum melongena L. on sperm quality through the lipid profile of Rattus norvegicus with hyperlipid induction

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Rinza Rahmawati Samsudin
Nur Vita Purwaningsih
Rahma Widyastuti


Introduction: A high-fat diet and obesity, promoted by an unhealthy lifestyle, affect the structure of spermatozoa. The study aims to determine the effect of using purple eggplant on improving lipid profile and sperm quality as an alternative to traditional medicine of Rattus norvegicus.


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Cómo citar
Rahmawati Samsudin, R., Vita Purwaningsih, N., & Widyastuti, R. (2021). Stimulus from the activator agent Solanum melongena L. on sperm quality through the lipid profile of Rattus norvegicus with hyperlipid induction. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 129(4), 884–892. Recuperado a partir de