Salival Fistula, atypical presentation of bacterial parotiditis, by the purpose of a case



Introduction: Salivary fistula is the communication of the salivary glands or the parotid duct to the skin, due to a traumatic injury to the parenchyma or the excretion duct; It is not usually a frequent complication in acute parotitis. The objective of this work is to highlight the atypical presentation of a case of bacterial parotitis associated with salivary fistula towards the external auditory canal and oral cavity, and peripheral facial paralysis. Clinical case: A 15-year-old male patient, who consulted due to otalgia and right otorrhea associated with an increase in volume in the ipsilateral parotid region of 5 days of evolution. On physical examination, an asymmetrical face with deviation of the lip corner to the le and complete palpebral closure without effort, with increased volume of the right parotid gland with signs of phlogosis, right purulent otorrhea and continuity solution in the middle third of the external auditory canal are evident. Ultrasound of the skin and so tissues revealed inflammatory changes in the parotid glands with a collection of 112 cc. e tomographic findings of the middle ear and mastoids corroborated the findings of the echosonogram; Surgical drainage of the abscess was performed and he was treated with clindamycin 600 mg intravenously every 6 hours and crystalline penicillin 200 mg/kg/weight every 6 hours, and his evolution was satisfactory. Conclusion: Parotid abscesses can present atypically or rarely with drainage through the external auditory canal.


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How to Cite

Guillen, N., Vizcaino, M., Estraño, L., & Palacios, N. (2022). Salival Fistula, atypical presentation of bacterial parotiditis, by the purpose of a case. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 11(3), e348. Retrieved from