Lifestyle of children and adolescents with Down syndrome: case study


  • Irma Perdomo
  • Mary Moya-Sifontes
  • Gerardo Bauce


Down syndrome, lifestyle, nutritional status, eating habits, personal habits, physical activity, children, adolescents.


Objective: To determine the lifestyle of children and adolescents with Down Syndrome. Method: A descriptive, prospective, analytical and cross-sectional case study, carried out on a sample of 13 children and adolescents between 4 and 14 years of age with Down Syndrome from the Simón Rodríguez Institute of Special Education, Municipality of Independencia. Miranda State. Anthropometric measurements (weight and height) were made and a structured questionnaire was designed into open and closed questions, which was applied to parents and guardians. Results: The sample made up of 76.9% of the male sex and 23.1% of the female sex, average age range of 9.23 ± 3.32. They belong to socioeconomic stratum IV. According to the nutritional diagnosis, 38% classified normal weight with normal size, 15% as normal weight with tall size, 8% as normal weight with short height and overweight as tall and short; 18% at risk of mild deficit with normal size and 15% in deficit with normal size 18%. The structure of the diet is classified as highly protein 26,3%, low in fat 7,5% and adequate in carbohydrates 67,3%. The adequacy of the diet revealed that in a higher percentage it is inadequate due to excess 46%, followed by inadequate deficit 38% and adequate 16%. Mostly they do physical activity, nap and have adequate personal hygiene habits. Conclusions: This research allowed characterizing children and adolescents from the socioeconomic, nutritional, personal and eating habits and physical activity points of view.



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How to Cite

Perdomo, I., Moya-Sifontes, M., & Bauce, G. (2021). Lifestyle of children and adolescents with Down syndrome: case study. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 10(3), e317. Retrieved from

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