Overweight and obesity in schoolchildren in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Region, Chile, (2009 - 2019), and comparison of two methodologies for diagnosis





nutrition surveys, Anthropometry, Childhood Obesity, Latin America


Introduction. In Chile the prevalence of total obesity in school population reaches 31% and severe obesity 10.8%. The Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Region is one of the most affected by this epidemic. Reliable nutritional diagnosis and timely intervention can prevent children from getting sick and deteriorating their quality of life. Objective. To analyze the trend of nutritional status of schoolchildren in the Magallanes Region, according to data reported by the National Board of School Aid and Scholarships, JUNAEB between 2009-2019 and compare results from 2010 with our own study. Materials and methods. The nutritional status of 71,334 schoolchildren in the Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica was analyzed by educational level and demographic variables, according to information from JUNAEB. Then, the results of schoolchildren in 1st grade in 2010 were compared, obtained through two methods: secondary source, JUNAEB survey, and primary source, anthropometric study carried out in the same region and year. Results. According to JUNAEB data, overweight increased in school children in the region by 4.4% between 2009 and 2019, the most affected group was 1st grade. In 2010 the prevalence of obesity for 1st grade schoolchildren according to JUNAEB was 21.8% and according to our own regional study it was 25.7%. Conclusions. Excess malnutrition affects 53.8% of school children in the Magallanes Region and could be higher, considering that census information could be underestimating overweight and obesity. It is urgent to intervene to avoid perpetuating this epidemic.


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How to Cite

Loaiza Miranda, S., Marrodán Serrano, M. D., & Montero de Espinosa, M. G. (2023). Overweight and obesity in schoolchildren in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica Region, Chile, (2009 - 2019), and comparison of two methodologies for diagnosis. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutrición (ALAN), 73(3), 180–190. https://doi.org/10.37527/2023.73.3.002



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