Cholesterol-lowering effect of diet with added sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) vines in rabbits


  • Ana Carolina Kohlrausch Klinger Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria-RS
  • Geni Salete Pinto Toledo Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria-RS
  • Silvino Robalo Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria-RS
  • Leila Picolli da Silva Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria-RS

Palabras clave:

Cardiovascular Diseases, Fiber Source, New Zealand Rabbits, Doenças Cardiovasculares, Fontes de Fibra, Coelhos Nova Zelândia


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sweet potato vines as a source of fiber on the plasma parameters in healthy rabbits. For this, 15 rabbits were allocated into five groups, and each group was fed a different diet for a period of 46 days. The diets were as follows: diet without sweet potato vines (0SPV), and experimental diets with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of sweet potato vines in replacement of alfalfa hay respectively (25SPV, 50SPV, 75SPV and 100SPV). Triglycerides and VLDL-cholesterol concentrations were approximately 53% lower in rabbits fed the 100SPV than in rabbits fed 0SPV. In addition, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and total-cholesterol concentrations were lower approximately 40% and 14%, respectively, in rabbits fed the 100SPV than in rabbits fed 0SPV. No significant differences were found among HDL-cholesterol, glucose, proteins, albumin and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations of the five groups. These results demonstrate that the consumption of sweet potato vines reduces the triglycerides, VLDLcholesterol and total cholesterol while maintains HDL-cholesterol levels. Therefore, sweet potato vines consumption may be another option to prevent coronary heart diseases in rabbits.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar com base no plasma sanguíneo o efeito do baraço de batata-doce como fonte de fibra. Para tal, dividiuse 15 coelhos em cinco grupos, onde cada grupo foi alimentado com uma dieta diferente por 46 dias. As dietas foram: sem baraço de batata-doce (0SPV), e dietas experimentais com 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% de baraço de batata-doce em substituição ao feno de alfafa, respectivamente (25SPV, 50SPV, 75SPV e 100SPV). As concentrações de triglicérides e VLDL-colesterol foram aproximadamente 53% menores em coelhos alimentados com a dieta 100SPV do que os coelhos alimentados com 0SPV. Além disso, as concentrações de aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e colesterol total foram inferiores em aproximadamente 40% e 14%, respectivamente, nos coelhos alimentados com 100 SPV do que em coelhos alimentados com 0SPV. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as concentrações colesterol-HDL, glicose, proteínas, albumina e alanina aminotransferase (ALT) dos cinco grupos. Estes resultados demonstram que o consumo de baraço de batata-doce reduz os triglicerídeos, colesterol VLDL e colesterol total, enquanto mantém os níveis de colesterol HDL. Portanto, o baraço de batata-doce pode ser uma opção viável para prevenir doenças coronarianas


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Cómo citar

Kohlrausch Klinger, A. C., Pinto Toledo, G. S., Robalo, S., & Picolli da Silva, L. (2020). Cholesterol-lowering effect of diet with added sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) vines in rabbits. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutrición (ALAN), 68(3), 211–216. Recuperado a partir de



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