Approach to the Man-mass category in the Hegemonic Political Speech by Rómulo Betancourt



The following work aims to make an approach to the category mass-man in the Hegemonic Political Discourse of the government of Rómulo Betancourt (19591964), in order to know and characterize the nature of the national communication policy during that presidential period and thus determine the model of society (democratic or undemocratic) that underlies the political project. This through an instrument of understanding of the Venezuelan case, based on different models and authors considered classical references for this type of analysis. With emphasis on the theoretical contribution of Sigmund Freud and Erich Fromm to understand the relationship between the leader and the individuals.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Rosillo-Villena, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Sociólogo por la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Maestría en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Doctor en Estudios Americanos (IDEA/FAHU) y becario de Excelencia Extranjero de la Universidad de Santiago.





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