Dopamine and Hypertension


  • F Contreras Basic Sciences Department, Faculty of Medicine, UCV.
  • M Rivera Basic Sciences Department, Faculty of Medicine, UCV.
  • M García Internal Medicine Department, HVSR.
  • N Ospino Internal Medicine Department, HVSR.
  • M A De la Parte Basic Sciences Department, Faculty of Medicine, UCV.
  • M Velasco MD. Clinical Pharmacologist, FRCP Edin, Professor of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Central University of Venezuela.

Palabras clave:

Dopamine, Dopaminergic receptor, Hypertension and Dopaminergic agonist


Dopamine, a neurotransmitter precursor of norepinephrine, produces cardiovascular and renal effects including increase of myocardial contractility and cardiac output, without changing the heart rate, active and passive vasodilatation, diuresis and natriuresis. These cardiovascular and renal effects are mediated by the interaction of dopaminergic receptors named D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6 y D7; the letters of recent description. Actions are attributed to Dopamine that controls blood pressure through central and peripheral nervous systems and target organs such as kidney and adrenal glands in some types of hypertension. Renal dopaminergic deficiency has been related with the capacity to excrete salt in some forms of hypertension. Although it has been proven that dopamine and its derivatives have antihypertensive actions, research continues and for this reason it is important to clarify some physiological and pharmacological aspects of dopamine, its receptors and the clinical uses that could be important in the management of hypertension.


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Cómo citar

Contreras, F., Rivera, M., García, M., Ospino, N., De la Parte, M. A., & Velasco, M. (2014). Dopamine and Hypertension. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 19(2). Recuperado a partir de


