Professional Burnout syndrome in health professionals


  • Fanny Johana Fajardo-Lazo Master's Degree in Postgraduate Care Management of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Isabel Cristina Mesa-Cano Master's Degree in Postgraduate Care Management of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel Master's Degree in Postgraduate Care Management of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Fanny Cecilia Rodríguez Quezada Nursing Career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

Palabras clave:

burnout syndrome, health personnel, emotional exhaustion


Burnout, considered an occupational disease, is an emotional and psychological condition that affects many workers, manifesting itself with high levels of stress and anxiety. Objective: to analyze the characteristics of Burnout Syndrome in health professionals working in a hospital in southern Ecuador, between October 2020 - February 2021. Methodology: Quantitative, cross-sectional study. The sample was formed by 208 nurses and assistants. A two-part survey was applied: the first part with demographic information and the second part with the Maslach Burnout Inventory questionnaire (22 items). Results: The health personnel studied, which corresponds to 208 health workers, mostly women nurses, presented severe levels of burnout or job burnout.


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Cómo citar

Fajardo-Lazo, F. J., Mesa-Cano, I. C., Ramírez-Coronel, A. A., & Rodríguez Quezada, F. C. (2021). Professional Burnout syndrome in health professionals. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(3). Recuperado a partir de