Association between genotype rs1378942 of the CSK gene with hypertriglyceridemia among young northerners
Palabras clave:
rs1378942 of CSK gene, hypertriglyceridemiaResumen
The objective of this work was to identify possible associative links between genotype rs1378942 of the CSK gene with hypertriglyceridemia among the young residents living in northern region for a long time. A prospective cohort study was conducted among 882 patients with metabolic syndrome living in the city (245 people), 354 people in the village, and 283 Khanties, the indigenous population of the north. The results of hypertriglyceridemia and genotype to locus rs1378942 of the CSK gene association analysis are presented. Among young people, the prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia was 88.7%, while among the indigenous population (92.7%) more often than among non-indigenous people (85.6%). The heterozygous genotype GT rs1378942 of the CSK gene prevailed in the cohort in 50.7% of cases, the mutant G allele was found in 19.8% of the study participants. The obtained results reflect the significant protective effect of the mutant G allele with respect to hypertriglyceridemia among young residents of the north, which indicates the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the development of cardiovascular diseases.