Structure of purinergic P2Y12 receptors and some aspects of their biochemistry
Palabras clave:
P2Y12 receptor, G-protein coupled receptors (GPCP), platelets, inhibitors of the P2Y12 receptorResumen
The goal of this study is to develop a more rigorous understanding of the P2Y12 receptor first described in blood platelets where it plays a central role in the complex processes of activation and aggregation. P2Y12 receptors are 7-membrane-spanning proteins coupled to G proteins, which are activated by nucleotides, extracellular signaling molecules that are released from damaged cells or secreted via non-lytic mechanisms during inflammatory, ischemic, and hypoxic conditions. It is the drug targets for inhibition of platelet aggregation. We paid attention to structure and properties that provide essential insights for the development of improved P2Y12R ligands and allosteric modulators as drug candidates.
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Cómo citar
Shevchenko, T. S., Skorkina, M. Y., Zakirova, L. R., Shentseva, E. A., & Zhernakova, N. I. (2021). Structure of purinergic P2Y12 receptors and some aspects of their biochemistry. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 39(5). Recuperado a partir de