Mast cell activation disease associated with autoimmune thyroid disease: case report and review of literature


  • Joselyn Rojas
  • María José Calvo Delgado
  • Carmen Chávez
  • Mervin Chávez Castillo
  • Lidia Mejías
  • Juan Salazar
  • Luis Olivar
  • Modesto Graterol-Rivas
  • Sandra Wilches-Durán
  • Julio Contreras-Velásquez
  • Rosemily Graterol-Silva
  • Valmore Bermúdez

Palabras clave:

Mast cell activation disease, mastocytosis, histamine, facial flushing, autoimmune thyroid disease.


Mast Cell Activation Disease (MCAD) is characterized byabnormal proliferation of mastocytes, where clinical manifestationsarise from the excess release of these cells’ mediators.This case report concerns a 34-year old male patientwho seeks medical attention after 5 months presenting recurringepisodes of intense facial flushing with local edema,erythema, and increased volume of the ears and lips, withoutsigns of angioedema. Other symptoms included burningoropharyngeal pain, vascular-type headache and hypotension.These crises occurred predominantly during nighttimeand lasted 20-60 minutes, and were often associated withprolonged exposure to sunlight, high temperatures and psychologicalstress; constituting a clinical picture compatiblewith MCAD, supported by laboratory findings. Treatment beganwith ebastine, deflazacort, montelukast, ranitidine andomega-3 fatty acids, without clinical improvement, leading tosubstitution of this regimen with sodium chromoglycate andinitiation of an immunomodulatory diet. This plan achievedsatisfactory symptomatic resolution, confirming the diagnosisand highlighting the importance of adequate pharmacologicintervention. During a control consultation, the patientreported nocturnal episodes of tachycardia, palpitations andanxiety unrelated to the flushing crises, which prompted thyroidevaluation, revealing autoimmune thyroid disease withsubclinical hyperthyroidism, which was managed with methimazolwithout complications


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Cómo citar

Rojas, J., Calvo Delgado, M. J., Chávez, C., Chávez Castillo, M., Mejías, L., Salazar, J., Olivar, L., Graterol-Rivas, M., Wilches-Durán, S., Contreras-Velásquez, J., Graterol-Silva, R., & Bermúdez, V. (2017). Mast cell activation disease associated with autoimmune thyroid disease: case report and review of literature. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 35(4). Recuperado a partir de