Psychopathologies of illegal behavior of convicts in the Russian Federation and methods of their correction using gestalt therapy


  • Kuznetsova Yulia Nikolaevna Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Psychology Sciences, Associate Professor; Faculty of Law, Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Law; E-mail: tel: +79172204081, Author ID 57191527697
  • Bashirova Sadagat Gyulmirzaevna Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor; Faculty of Law, Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Law; E-mail: tel: +79053110447, Author ID 57204902270
  • Valeeva Guzel Anvarovna Kazan Federal University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor; Faculty of Law, Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Law; E-mail: tel: +79033054486, Author ID 57192303302


convicts, unlawful behavior, deviant behavior, psychotherapy, correctional institutions, penitentiary system, gestalt therapist, convict, convict reorientation.


The article analyzes the prevalence of psychopathological manifestations in behavior, mental disorders that do not exclude sanity among convicts in correctional institutions in the Russian Federation. We gave a theoretical substantiation of the need to create a methodology for carrying out corrective measures using gestalt therapeutic techniques for convicts in correctional institutions. We presented the data of statistical observations on the revealed psychopathologies in persons in correctional institutions. We evaluated the possibilities of gestalt therapy in the correction of the illegal behavior of convicts, arising from the psychopathological development of the personality in society. It was considered the basic principles of psychotherapeutic work (gestalt therapy), which describe the important key points of working with the psychopathological convicts in correctional institutions. We assessed the possibility of gestalt therapy in correcting convicts, determining that an employee of a correctional institution can also master the technologies of gestalt therapy, provided that he/she undergoes advanced training in mastering the techniques of gestalt therapy counseling as such training does not require special medical education. We also studied the motivational reasons for the unlawful behavior of a convict, being a trigger for the unlawful act. It is proposed some preventive and corrective methods of work on the correction of personality psychopathologies by gestalt therapy techniques


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How to Cite

Yulia Nikolaevna, K., Sadagat Gyulmirzaevna, B., & Guzel Anvarovna, V. (2021). Psychopathologies of illegal behavior of convicts in the Russian Federation and methods of their correction using gestalt therapy. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 39(7). Retrieved from