Problematic video game use in Peruvian adolescents: Estimated prevalence and association with sociodemographic variables


  • Edwin G. Estrada Araoz
  • Jimmy N. Paricahua Peralta
  • Libertad Velásquez Giersch
  • Yolanda Paredes Valverde
  • Rosel Quispe Herrera
  • Marilú Farfán Latorre
  • William Gerardo Lavilla Condori
  • Miguel Ángel Puma Sacsi
  • Mabeli C. Zuloaga Araoz


Video games, problematic use, students, secondary education, adolescence.


Technological advances and the rapid increase in internet access in recent years have allowed the video game industry to greatly expand its appeal, attracting the attention and interest of many teenagers in particular, however, many professionals have highlighted the potential dangers that can cause problematic use. In this sense, the objective of this research was to estimate the prevalence of problematic video games use (PVGU) in Peruvian adolescents and to determine the sociodemographic variables associated with said prevalence. The research approach was quantitative, the design was non-experimental and the type was cross-sectional descriptive. The sample consisted of 331 students to whom the Internet Gaming Addiction Scale was applied, an instrument with adequate levels of validity and reliability. Subsequently, the answers were systematized and analyzed using SPSS® version 25 software. According to the results, there was a low prevalence of problematic video game use in the participating adolescents (14.2%) and it was determined that some sociodemographic variables such as sex, area of ​​residence and type of educational institution were significantly associated (p<0.05) with said prevalence. Therefore, it is imperative to develop psychoeducational programs aimed mainly at students who use video games excessively in order to reduce their dependence and frequency of use.


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How to Cite

Estrada Araoz, E. G. ., Paricahua Peralta, J. N. ., Velásquez Giersch, L. ., Paredes Valverde, Y. ., Quispe Herrera, R. ., Farfán Latorre, M. ., Lavilla Condori, W. G., Puma Sacsi, M. Ángel ., & Zuloaga Araoz, M. C. . (2023). Problematic video game use in Peruvian adolescents: Estimated prevalence and association with sociodemographic variables. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(4). Retrieved from