Academic procrastination and academic stress in students of pedagogical higher education


  • Edwin G. Estrada Araoz
  • Delia Mamani Vásquez
  • Yesenia V. Manrique Jaramillo
  • Néstor A. Gallegos Ramos
  • Yolanda Paredes Valverde
  • Rosel Quispe Herrera


Academic procrastination, academic stress, students, initial teacher training.


Objective: To determine the relationship between academic procrastination and academic stress in Peruvian students from a public pedagogical higher education institute in Puerto Maldonado, Peru.

Materials and methods: The research approach was quantitative, the design was non-experimental and the cross-sectional correlational descriptive type. The sample consisted of 189 initial teacher training students to whom two data collection instruments were applied: the Scale of Academic Procrastination and the SISCO Inventory of Academic Stress, instruments with the required validity and reliability. After applying the instruments, the responses were systematized and analyzed through the statistical program SPSS® version 22.

Results: 42.9% of the students presented a moderate level of academic procrastination, 53.5% showed high levels of academic stress and it was statistically found that there is a direct and significant relationship between academic procrastination and student academic stress (rs= 0.630; p= 0.000<0.05).

Conclusions: High levels of academic procrastination are related to high levels of academic stress. In this sense, it is imperative that the institute execute programs that allow the development of self-regulation, time management and self-control strategies in students so that they can carry out their academic activities in a timely manner and do not affect their quality of life by developing them at the last moment.


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How to Cite

Estrada Araoz, E. G. ., Mamani Vásquez, D. ., Manrique Jaramillo, Y. V. ., Gallegos Ramos, N. A. ., Paredes Valverde, Y. ., & Quispe Herrera, R. . (2023). Academic procrastination and academic stress in students of pedagogical higher education. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(4). Retrieved from