Virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic for obstetrics students
learning; education; student; pandemic; technologiesAbstract
University education in the medical sciences continued its development during the pandemic, through the implementation of methodologies designed for a virtual context. The objective was to analyze the perception of obstetrics students in a public university about virtual learning of specific courses. The study followed a non-experimental, descriptive design with an intentional sample of 102 students, to whom a validated questionnaire on the perception of virtual learning during the pandemic was applied. It was evidenced that virtual learning had a favorable acceptance in three of the four dimensions (Quality, platform characteristics, and satisfaction were favorable), but the quality of virtual courses compared to face-to-face courses was not favorable. It was concluded that virtual learning is accepted by students; however, this modality does not satisfy the learning in laboratories and practices that requires face-to-face teaching.
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