Behavior of food habits in students of an educational institution of Barranquilla-Colombia
Nutrition; Health; Eating habits; StudentsAbstract
Introduction: Eating habits have a significant impact on human health, hence the importance of knowing them in order to identify risk factors that can trigger diseases related to inadequate nutrition. Objective: to identify the behavior of eating habits in students of an educational institution in Barranquilla-Colombia. Methods: quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The sample corresponded to 426 students from an educational institution with an average age of 14-16 years. Food consumption is determined through a structured and self-administered questionnaire in which eating habits were analyzed. Results: 55% of the participants were female, and 45% male. Most belong to socioeconomic strata 1 and 2. In relation to eating habits, the results of the study are inadequate, mainly in relation to the frequency of their consumption and unhealthy aggregates. The students responded that they always eat breakfast, have never brought a lunch box to school, eat salty and high-fat food at least once a day. The consumption of fruits and vegetables is done infrequently. Conclusion: Adequate eating habits represent at an early age a good beginning for the development of the person and their future in terms of their health. In the population studied, there is an inappropriate behavior of eating habits due to access to them due to their costs as well as evidence of the need for education towards healthier alternatives.
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