Risk factors in the emotional management of Peruvian Amazonian university students
Emotions, depression, anxiety, stress, emotional repairAbstract
The study aimed to establish the levels of depression, anxiety, stress and their relationship with the management of emotions of university students in the Peruvian Amazon. A quantitative, descriptive correlational, non-experimental research was carried out, based on a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 278 students, of which 190 (68%) were female students and 88 (32%) male. To collect the information, the DASS-21 scales were used, which identify depression, anxiety and stress, as well as the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24), which measures attention, clarity and emotional repair in relation to handling of emotions. The results obtained show a significant negative correlation, therefore, the greater the depression, anxiety and stress as risk factors, the lower the management in attention to emotions, emotional clarity and emotional repair; likewise, the results reveal a large effect size, being greater than 0.5, and the statistical power in all cases was greater than the established minimum of 80%, this would represent a propensity of the risk factors to manage emotions in the college students.
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