The relationship between fetuin-A levels and ovarian cyst in Kirkuk women
ovarian cyst; Fetuin-A; MalondialdehydeAbstract
The current study mainly aims to reveal the relationship between fetuin-A levels and ovarian cysts. A purposive sample of women with ovarian cysts visiting Azadi and Al-Jumhuri Hospitals in Kirkuk City is selected according to the study criteria. The study samples include 50 women with ovarian cysts and 20 as controls. The current study's findings exhibited that the highest duration of marriage was one year in patients and control groups (56%, and 60%, respectively). Menstruation in the patients' group was irregular (100%). Abortion in the patients' group reached 86%. The percentage of hereditary disease in patients and control groups were 82% and 90%, respectively. Otherwise, Fetuin-A and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in women with ovarian cysts demonstrate significant (P < 0.05) elevated compared with the control women.
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