Strategic foresight, organizational learning, and innovation: A review of the literature in search of relationships



Foresight, Organizational learning, Innovation, Competitive advantage, Knowledge


Uncertainty, as well as the speed and complexity of environmental changes, has highlighted the strategic role of organizational learning and innovation for the survival of businesses. In this context, only learning organizations are able to survive and achieve competitive advantages. The ability to learn more and faster than other organizations becomes the main, and perhaps the only, sustainable competitive advantage, allowing it to survive. In turn, innovation is subject to the company's capacity to acquire new knowledge, both external and internal, which will be used especially by its collaborators to generate innovation. Based on the above, strategic foresight is an exercise of vital importance for companies to develop their capacity to innovate, being a learning process through which the future can be created. In view of the above, the following question arises: What is the relationship between strategic foresight, organizational learning and innovation? In order to answer the question posed, this paper shows a non-exhaustive, exploratory-descriptive review of the literature, with the aim of identifying the relationship between them, as promoters of business survival. From the findings obtained, it emerges that strategic foresight is a process that promotes organizational learning, a source of new knowledge that will be used by employees to constantly innovate and thus be competitive and achieve business profitability


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Author Biography

María Jesús Acosta Cabezas, Universidad Metropolitana

María Jesús Acosta Cabezas
Doctoranda en Gerencia de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Coordinadora de la Maestría en Administración mención Gerencia de Mercadeo en la Universidad Metropolitana


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How to Cite

Acosta Cabezas, M. J. (2025). Strategic foresight, organizational learning, and innovation: A review of the literature in search of relationships. Gestión I+D, 10(1), 242–276. Retrieved from



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