Procedural implications related to quantifying and budgeting fiscal sacrifice in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: A phenomenological approach
accounting implications for fiscal sacrifice, fiscal sacrifice, measurement of fiscal sacrifice, budget for tax expenditureAbstract
This article reveals that managing processes related to measuring fiscal sacrifice involves control actions to ensure an accurate view of the State's revenue, expenditure situation, and the direct reciprocity between the budget accounts and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela's general balance sheet. It presents the perspectives of experienced individuals in this field, providing interpretations to questions such as: Which recording methodology would allow one to estimate the cost of tax expenditures? What methodological criteria should be considered when integrating the estimation process of tax expenditures with the budget formulation process? What are the procedural and operational implications that affect the recording of operations classified as fiscal sacrifice? To address these questions, it is proposed that the selection of the methodology for recording and measuring tax expenditures will depend on the objectives of the organizations involved. The methodological route adopted is phenomenological in nature (Husserl, 1982) since the study is based on the perspective of five (5) key informants. The instruments used for data collection include semi-structured interviews, and a structured intentional analysis matrix (Krippendorff, 1990) used to systematize it. In conclusion, the following categories were revealed: a characterization of methodologies related to the measurement of tax expenditures, the determination of the methodology for measuring tax expenditures present in Venezuela's tax practices, and an understanding of the procedural and operational implications for recording tax expenditures
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