State of the art of sustainability and its impact on project management



Sustainability, Projects Management, Life Cycle in Projects, Projects


This paper aims to present the state of the art of sustainability and its impact on the area of ​​project management. The study was set in a documentary research and the technique of bibliographic review, and content analysis was used to recover and interpret the relevant information related to the topic. The search was carried out in the database, which has the "Analysis" application to obtain the trends of interest, and the universe of information was limited to the 2011-2022 time period. The results of surveys carried out by private organizations in project management, whose contributions reflect the importance of sustainability in this area, were also used. The main results indicate that sustainability in project management is still an incipient area that requires overcoming some challenges in order to integrate this aspect as an essential part, not only in the deliverables but also throughout the project life cycle.


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Author Biography

Gloria María Aponte Figueroa, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

Dra. Gloria María Aponte Figueroa
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Ingeniería
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
ORCID 0000-0002-1029-8264


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How to Cite

Aponte Figueroa, G. M. (2023). State of the art of sustainability and its impact on project management. Gestión I+D, 8(1), 196–223. Retrieved from



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