Validation of an instrument regarding the academic and labor roles of professionals in the area of technological management. An experience based on a final dissertation.



Technology, Technological Manager, Academic Degree, Quantitative and Qualitative Information, gestion


Based on a final dissertation, a quantitative and qualitative data collection instrument was designed to obtain reliable information regarding the academic and labor conditions of professionals who work in Technological Management. This instrument aimed to validate the creation of a professional degree for the Bachelor's Degree in Technological Organization and Management taught at the Technological Faculty of the University of Santiago de Chile. The instrument's construction phase and the data obtained in a sample of 50 technological managers are described, shaped by communities linked to several areas of technological management in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. The quantitative analysis of the main components showed that 69.3% of the survey's respondents validate the creation of the proposed professional degree. A qualitative analysis allowed the researchers to characterize a Technological Manager's academic and labor role in aspects such as undergraduate training, master's degree, income, training, performance strengths and weaknesses, and training workshops, among others. It is concluded that the instrument is valid by allowing the researchers to know the academic and labor conditions of professional technological managers and positively affirming the need to create a professional degree for the Bachelor program indicated above


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Author Biographies

Boris Alberto Riveros Valdés, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Lic. Boris Alberto Riveros Valdés
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Stephanie Solange Bustos Báez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Lic. Stephanie Solange Bustos Báez
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Julio González Candia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Dr. Julio González Candia
Universidad de Santiago de Chile


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How to Cite

Riveros Valdés, B. A., Bustos Báez, S. S., & González Candia, J. (2022). Validation of an instrument regarding the academic and labor roles of professionals in the area of technological management. An experience based on a final dissertation. Gestión I+D, 5(3), 69–97. Retrieved from