Sustainable alternatives for the use of volcanic tuff exploit wastes in construction materials


  • R.G Ortiz-Mena Centro de Ingeniería Avanzada - Querétaro México
  • M.G. Navarro-Rojero Centro de Ingeniería Avanzada - Querétaro México
  • T. López-Lara Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro México
  • J.B Hernández-Zaragoza Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro México
  • D.N. Gómez-Balbuena Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Huichapan México


Arena, Concreto, Mortero, Polvo de cantera. Riolita, Tobas


The generation of the solid waste that derives from various processes in the exploitation of building material banks worldwide is causing a deterioration in the quality of the environment. Several companies have been searching for alternatives that will allow them to manage their residues adequately, which in turn will aid in reducing the contamination of the landscape that has been caused by their activities, while complying at the same time with environmental care legislation, which they are required to do.  Such is the case of the “quarry” industry, dedicated to the exploitation of volcanic tuff, which, after the processes for the provision and grinding of its raw material, generates significant volumes of waste, being dust the residue that predominates the most in this process. This study sets out to analyze these powders geotechnically and chemically in order to categorize them, and to review the feasibility of alternative uses, based on the nature of their components, and based on ASTM standards; and to analyze the behavior of material elaborated with grinded waste powder. The results indicate that the residue is a Rhyolite, classified as inorganic silt (ML); X ray diffraction indicated a content of 76% Silica (SiO2) which makes it possible for the residue to be used in the replacement of Portland cement in quantities of up to 67% in order to obtain 13 MPa resistant hydraulic cement. Likewise, it is considered feasible for it to be used in the total substitution of sand as a fine aggregate. The resistance values obtained make it possible for it to be used in masonry work such as in levelling and tunneling. Its low compositions in Sodium and Magnesium Oxides (Na2O and MgO), 0.96% and 0.15% respectively, will not cause effects such as concrete disintegration, or expansion due to magnesia over the years.

Key Words. Sand, Concrete, Mortar, Waste dust, Rhyolite, Tuff.


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Author Biography

T. López-Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro México

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


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How to Cite

Ortiz-Mena, R., Navarro-Rojero, M., López-Lara, T., Hernández-Zaragoza, J., & Gómez-Balbuena, D. (2018). Sustainable alternatives for the use of volcanic tuff exploit wastes in construction materials. Gestión I+D, 3(1), 56–81. Retrieved from



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