Contenido principal del artículo
El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar indicadores clínicos, en respuesta a la suplementación parenteral pretemporada de monta en 32 vacas Brahman de primer parto, pertenecientes a la Estación Experimental La Cumaca, distribuidas al azar en dos grupos de tratamientos: 1) Grupo experimental (GE; n=16) con suplementación parenteral (SP) y 2) grupo control (GC; n=16) sin suplementación. La alimentación basal fue a pastoreo con Panicum maximun, Cynodom niemfluenses, Digitaria swazilandensis y Brachiaria decumbes; concentrado comercial (18% PC; 2 kg/vaca/día) y mezcla mineral ad-libitum. Se evaluaron los indicadores clínicos: glucosa (Glu), colesterol total (CT), fructosamina (Fru), proteínas totales (PT), albúmina (Alb) y hematocrito (Hto), a los 32, 25, 18 y 7 días pretemporada de monta (DPT). Los datos fueron analizados a través del análisis de la varianza de Mínimos Cuadrados y, se utilizó la prueba de Tukey para la comparación de medias mediante el programa SAS 6.0. No se observaron diferencias significativas en Glu, Fru y CT, no obstante, se obtuvo un efecto significativo (P<0,05) en la Alb a los 25 DPT, (31,43 vs 35,70 g/L) en las vacas del GC y GE, respectivamente, lo que refleja un balance más estable del metabolismo protéico en las vacas del GE, posiblemente por la ación de la suplementación parenteral.
Clinical Indicators as a Response to Parenteral Supplementation in First Calf Brahman Cows During the Pre-season Breeding
The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinical indicators as the response to parenteral supplementation during the pre-season breeding in 32 first-calf Brahman cows, at La Cumaca Experimental Station, located at Yaracuy state, Venezuela. Cows were randomly assigned to two groups: 1) Experimental group (GE; n=16) receiving parenteral supplementation (SP) and 2) Control group (GC; n=16) withouth supplementation. The basal feeding was based on 2 pasture (Panicum maximum, Cynodom niemfluences, Digitaria swazilandensis, and Brachiaria decumbes), a concentrate mixture (18% CP; 2 kg/cow/day), and a mineral mixture ad libitum. Glucose (Glu), total cholesterol (CT), fructosamine (Fru), total proteins (PT), albumin (Alb)and hematocrit (Hto) were evaluated at 32, 25, 18, and 7 days previous to the beginning of the breeding preaseason (DPT). Data was analized using analysis of variance; and the Tukey test for comparison, using the SAS 6.0 program. Glucose, Fru, and CT were not different between groups. However, there was a significant difference (P< 0.05) of SP on Alb at 25 DPT (31.43 vs 35.70 g/L for cows in GC and GE groups respectively). These results show a better stability in the protein metabolism in cows of the GE group, possibly as a consequence of parenteral supplementation.
Clinical Indicators as a Response to Parenteral Supplementation in First Calf Brahman Cows During the Pre-season Breeding
The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinical indicators as the response to parenteral supplementation during the pre-season breeding in 32 first-calf Brahman cows, at La Cumaca Experimental Station, located at Yaracuy state, Venezuela. Cows were randomly assigned to two groups: 1) Experimental group (GE; n=16) receiving parenteral supplementation (SP) and 2) Control group (GC; n=16) withouth supplementation. The basal feeding was based on 2 pasture (Panicum maximum, Cynodom niemfluences, Digitaria swazilandensis, and Brachiaria decumbes), a concentrate mixture (18% CP; 2 kg/cow/day), and a mineral mixture ad libitum. Glucose (Glu), total cholesterol (CT), fructosamine (Fru), total proteins (PT), albumin (Alb)and hematocrit (Hto) were evaluated at 32, 25, 18, and 7 days previous to the beginning of the breeding preaseason (DPT). Data was analized using analysis of variance; and the Tukey test for comparison, using the SAS 6.0 program. Glucose, Fru, and CT were not different between groups. However, there was a significant difference (P< 0.05) of SP on Alb at 25 DPT (31.43 vs 35.70 g/L for cows in GC and GE groups respectively). These results show a better stability in the protein metabolism in cows of the GE group, possibly as a consequence of parenteral supplementation.
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