Hepatobiliary alterations in inflammatory bowel disease in pediatrics


  • Milagros Miquilena Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital de Niños “J.M. De Los Ríos”. Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Cesar Morao Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital de Niños “J.M. De Los Ríos”. Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Yauribel Martínez Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital de Niños “J.M. De Los Ríos”. Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Maria Guerrero Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital de Niños “J.M. De Los Ríos”. Caracas, Venezuela.
  • Magaly Rodríguez G Servicio de Gastroenterología Hospital de Niños “J.M. De Los Ríos”. Caracas, Venezuela.


Hepatobiliary disorders, pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), ulcerative rectocolitis (UCR), Crohn's disease (CD), indeterminate colitis (IC), extraintestinal manifestations (MEI), Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)


Background: Inflammatory bowel disease includes Crohn's disease, ulcerative rectocolitis and indeterminate colitis, whose evolution is chronic and fluctuating, and present various extraintestinal manifestations, mainly in the hepatobiliary tree Objective: To describe the hepatobiliary alterations of inflammatory bowel disease in patients pediatric patients of the Gastroenterology clinic of the JM De Los Ríos Hospital, during the period 2002-2023. Patients and Methods: Descriptive, observational, ambispective, cross-sectional study; patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease between the ages of 2 and 18 years are included; who met inclusion criteria for IBD; Obtaining the information through medical records. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics; mean, median and percentages Results: 33 patients diagnosed with IBD: RCU 22/33 (67%), CD 10/33 (30%) and CI 1/33 (3%). The average age of debut was 10 years. We found extra intestinal manifestations in 30/33 (91%); Hepatobiliary alterations being the most frequent 15/33 (45%), predominantly transient hypertransaminasaemia 12/15 (80%), followed by primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), 2/15 (13%) and gallbladder lithiasis 1/15 (7 %). The ultrasound findings were; diffuse liver parenchymal process 9/15 (60%), hepatomegaly 3/15 (20%), ascites 1/15 (7%), periportal fibrosis 1/15 (7%), and gallstones 1/15 (7%) . 47% of the patients had a severe IBD clinical activity index at the time of the hepatobiliary alterations. Conclusion: Extraintestinal complications in IBD are common; including liver and biliary tree involvement. Clinical and paraclinical evaluation is important in order to obtain a timely diagnosis and establish an early treatment that avoids other complications and manages to optimize the quality of life of patients in this age group.


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How to Cite

Miquilena, M., Morao, C., Martínez, Y. ., Guerrero, M., & Rodríguez G, M. (2024). Hepatobiliary alterations in inflammatory bowel disease in pediatrics. Revista GEN, 77(4), 167–173. Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_gen/article/view/28201




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