Characterization of Special Research Works 2016-2023
Thesis, Research, Nursing, UndergraduateAbstract
Abstract Introduction: The Special Research Works (TEI) of the School of Nursing of the Central University of Venezuela, represent the first approach with formal research and are a requirement to complete undergraduate studies. Objective: To characterize the TEI presented by students as a partial requirement to obtain the degree in nursing, from 2016 to 2023. Materials and Methods: descriptive research with a documentary, retrospective, transversal design. The units of analysis were the TEIs presented between the years 2016 to 2023. The instrument used was the Special Research Work Registry Matrix (MRTEI), validated by experts in the research and teaching area of the EEUCV. Information collection was carried out in the first semester of 2024. Results: 82.4 % of the research papers (TEI) were descriptive, with 90 % employing a quantitative approach. Eighty-two percent were conducted in healthcare settings, with the study population comprising 53 % nursing professionals and 17% patients. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) style was used in 97 % of the papers, while 3 % utilized the Vancouver style. Informed consent was obtained in only 16 % of the TEIs. These results show the need for epistemic and ontological reflection on the research that is required in Nursing; it is necessary to review the standards for its presentation in order to promote its visibility.
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