Correlation of body mass index and percentage of body fat in the assessment of overweight and obesity
BMI, new BMI, Overweight, Obesity, Correlation.Abstract
Objective: to correlate body mass index (BMI) with percentage of body fat (%BF), in order to observe the differences in the incidence of overweight and obesity, according to criteria considered. Methods: descriptive, prospective, transversal, analytical and correlate study in patients who attended external consultation of a private medical center in Caracas, during the period September-November 2015, consisting of 633 patients, 178 (28.1%) male and 455 (71.9%) feminine 20 to 96 years old. Variables: Age, Weight, Size, and calculated BMI, new BMI, %BF by Duerenberg and by regression; are considered four age groups: < 60, 60-69, 70-79 and 80 years, and four geographic regions: Central-Western, Miranda, Maracaibo and East. Results: overweight percentages, for BMI-WHO and BMI-Oxford, non-significant, obesity percentages, significant (p<0.000); overweight and obese percentages for %BF non-significant (p>0.5); significant obesity percentages (p<0.000). The BMI-WHO and BMI-Oxford per region range from 24.5 to 28.7, and by age group range from 26.3 to 28.5; the %GC Duerenberg and %BF Regression range from 34.6 to 41; BMI-WHO correlates weight, BMI-Oxford and %BF Duerenberg (r x 0.81, r x 0.99 and r x 0.72; p < 0.000), BMI-Oxford %correlate %BF Duerenberg (r x 0.78; p < 0.000); %BF Regression correlates with BMI-OMS, BMI-Oxford, and %BF Duerenberg (r x 0.79, r x 0.86, and r x 0.89; p < 0.000). Conclusion: In view of these results, the two %BF formulas may be considered to estimate the percentage of body fat in groups of patients, regardless of age.Downloads
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