Bases for the development of Policies and Programs to guarantee well-being in the first thousand days of life


  • Marianella Herrera Cuenca Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela


environmental conditions, programs and policies.


The first thousand days of life, from the conception until the end of the first two years of life, constitutes a key period in which the development of disease or health establishes in the future lives of individuals. Exposure to adverse environments will determine the temporary impairments in DNA that last as long as the exposure exists. Policies and programs aimed at guaranteeing well-being during this critical window of growth are crucial for the population to enjoy the best possible conditions that allow the expression of their maximum potential, to which they are programmed to develop.


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How to Cite

Herrera Cuenca, M. (2020). Bases for the development of Policies and Programs to guarantee well-being in the first thousand days of life. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 9(2), e216. Retrieved from