Clinical, imaging and histological correlation in endometrial pathology. Experience in the hospital Dr. Francisco Antonio Rísquez (2006-2016)


  • Bianca Espinoza Hospital Dr. Francisco Antonio Rísquez. Caracas, Venezuela
  • Franco Calderaro Di Ruggiero Hospital Dr. Francisco Antonio Rísquez. Caracas, Venezuela
  • Jorge Manzur Hospital Dr. Francisco Antonio Rísquez. Caracas, Venezuela


Abnormal uterine bleeding, Endometrial pathologies, Clinical diagnosis, Endometrial ultrasound


Introduction: For the study and diagnosis of endometrial pathology it has with transvaginal ultrasound and endometrial biopsy. Objective: To determine the correlation of clinical, ultrasound and histological endometrial pathology in patients treated in the service of surgery of the Hospital Dr. Francisco Antonio Rísquez, between 2006 and 2016. Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional study. Included patients surgically treated by uterine pathologies, which counted with complete information in the medical record. We used descriptive statistics, sensitivity, specificity, and correlation coefficient. Results: The most affected age group was that of 41 to 50 years, in 62,73%, the reason for more frequent consultation was bleeding genital with 52 cases (47.3%), 52 patients (47.3%) they had heavy menstrual bleeding and 40 (36.4%) abundant and prolonged bleeding was referred. Ecograficamente, the most frequent diagnosis was uterine leiomyomatosis (87 cases, 79.1%). The endometrial line was between 1.3 and 11.3 mm 80.9%; in 54 cases (49.1%) the endometrial biopsy reported secretory without atypia. No statistical correlation between the clinic and the endometrial biopsy was observed (p = 0, 478 Kappa = 0, 00). The statistical correlation between ultrasound and endometrial biopsy was almost perfect (p = 0, 000 Kappa = 0, 947) and between preoperative biopsy and the final was moderate (p = 0, 000 0,542 Kappa). The sensitivity of ultrasound is 100% and specificity of 90.91%. Conclusions: The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound for endometrial biopsy was high. The frequency of endometrial pathology in endometrial biopsy was low.


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How to Cite

Espinoza, B., Calderaro Di Ruggiero, F., & Manzur, J. (2019). Clinical, imaging and histological correlation in endometrial pathology. Experience in the hospital Dr. Francisco Antonio Rísquez (2006-2016). Revista Digital De Postgrado, 8(3), e171. Retrieved from