Myths in politics: Hugo Chávez, tragedy in five acts


  • Juan Carlos Rosillo Villena Universidad de Santiago de Chile


The following work makes an approximation to the phenomenon of the political myth, specifically in the aspects related to the dramatic force of the hero, notion raised by the researcher George Balandier, that underlie the speech like political actor and later like president of Hugo Chavez. It is as much his political action as that of so many leaders of populist tendency was, to say it with Balandier, staged like a Greek tragedy in several acts. We selected fragments of his speech in five moments, namely the coup attempt of 1992; the swearing-in as president in 1999; the events of April 2002; the referendum approving the Constitutional Reform of 2007 and its agony between 2011 and 2013.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Rosillo Villena, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Sociólogo y Magister Scientiarum en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Doctor en Estudios Americanos (IDEA/FAHU) y becario de Excelencia Extranjero de la Universidad de Santiago.



How to Cite

Rosillo Villena, Juan Carlos. 2022. “Myths in Politics: Hugo Chávez, Tragedy in Five Acts”. Anuario ININCO / Investigaciones De La Comunicación 34 (1):260-73.


