Creative cultural industries as tools for development


  • Ana Sofìa Afanador Álvarez Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes (UNEARTE) y Maestría el Gestión Polìticas Culturales UCV


In the last decade, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) as contributing sectors to the economic development of regions or countries. Therefore, the analytical intention of this research proposal raises a perspective of analysis and reflection on the creative economy as a development strategy, providing theoretical-practical tools for the sustainable planning of enterprises based on culture and creativity, as well as plans of local development based on the creative economy.

It seems that the future of many of the "emerging" economies will be based on generating and promoting their capacity for creation and innovation through their cultural and creative industries.

Therefore, the invitation is to critically analyze and reflect on the creative economy and culture as a development strategy for cities, communities and entrepreneurs of various activities based on culture and creativity. It is from this orientation, of the Economy of culture that we aspire to be able to contribute through the following article.



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Author Biography

Ana Sofìa Afanador Álvarez, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes (UNEARTE) y Maestría el Gestión Polìticas Culturales UCV

Postdoctorado en Filosofía y Educación, por la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Doctora en Creación Intelectual por la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez. Magister en Gestión y Políticas Culturales, por la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Licenciada en Administración (2000), por la Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez , con formación en las áreas de Economía Social de Mercado (2017). Planificación para el Desarrollo IESA (2016). Urban for Developing Countries. Ministry of Commerce. China (2015). Presupuesto Público. IESA (2015). Gobernabilidad y Gerencia Política CAF -UCABGeorge University Institute (2008). Gerencia Social. Programa Avanzado -Universidad Católica Andrés BelloFEGS–2007-2008. Implementación de Políticas Públicas. Universidad de Rosario Argentina -UNESR (2005). Cooperación Socio-Cultural AECI-CEDEAL (España) (1997). Email: Telegram:@Anaafanador/ Twitter: vafanador/Instagram:anasofiaafanador/Linkedin: anasofiaafanador



How to Cite

Afanador Álvarez, Ana Sofìa. 2022. “Creative Cultural Industries As Tools for Development”. Anuario ININCO / Investigaciones De La Comunicación 34 (1):230-59.


