Analysis of the parliamentary electoral campaign in Venezuela and its influence on the voter.


  • Zicri Colmenares - Díaz Universidad Autónoma de Baja California – Instituto de Investigaciones Culturales - Museo


The elections in Venezuela are governed by Ley Orgánica de Procesos Electorales, this law raises that public bodies and the means of communication (public or private) can´t disseminate any kind propaganda intended to support or promote a political candidacy or organization. However, during the parliamentary election campaign of Dicember 2015, not only the violation of the law but also a significant imbalance in the coverage of the means of communication, it was observed, the process and its actors was noted.


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Author Biography

Zicri Colmenares - Díaz, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California – Instituto de Investigaciones Culturales - Museo

Doctora en estudios socioculturales por la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC). Magister en gestión y políticas culturales por la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Licenciada en teatro, mención gerencia y producción teatral (IUDET). Asistente de investigación en el capítulo Venezuela del Observatorio Iberoamericano de la Ficción Televisiva (OBITEL).





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