Democracy and Art, about Joseph Beuys



Our essay on Democracy and Art refers to the artistic and political approaches of the German artist Joseph Beuys. We want to arouse the interest that has had for us to investigate his art, his concept of creativity, his spirituality, his ethics, his vision of the political and the relationship between art and life, through an expanded proposal of artistic creation. Beuys reaches a radical critique in the theoretical and factual fields of political economy, based on his expanded concept of art and his Social Sculpture proposal, which presents the transformation of thought into art, urging to overcome the traditional artistic object as a fetish artifact useless and banal, conveying the individual towards the collective space, thanks to its postulate Art = Life: art must affect life and this to that, in mutual transformation: art is also an extension of life. Only from art is it possible to shape a new concept of society and economy in terms of human needs and not in the unidirectional sense of political and property use and consumption, but in any case, as the production of democratic spiritual goods.


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Author Biography

David de los Reyes, Universidad de las Artes , Guayaquil

Licenciado en Filosofía. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 1981. Master en Filosofía. Universidad Simón Bolívar de Venezuela. 1990. Investigador y profesor ejecutante de guitarra clásica nacido en Caracas, Venezuela. Ha grabado nueve CDs de guitarra clásica: Valses de Antonio Lauro, Venezuela en seis cuerdas, Guitarra romántica, América y la guitarra, Duos de flauta y guitarra, Obras de Antonio Lauro, Obras de Hector Villa-Lobos, Barroco y Suites barrocas.




