Millennials and their reflection on screen. Reloaded


  • Verónica Sandra Fuenmayor Contreras Instituto de Investigaciones de la Comunicación Facultad de Humanidades y EducaciónUniversidad Central de Venezuela


The purpose of this research is to outline how the millennial generation (or generation Y) is represented in contemporary serial fiction. Six successful North American series have been analyzed: The Big Bang Theory (2007-2019, CBS), Girls (2012-2017, HBO), Insecure (2016-2021, HBO), Sense8 (2015-2018, Netflix), Mr. Robot (2015-2019, USA Network) and Emily in Paris (2020- current, Netflix), which were intentionally chosen, due to their ratings, for the preparation of this study. All the seasons, produced to date of each series, were viewed and, through a qualitative approach, their content was contrasted with the categories of the studied generation found in the previously consulted bibliography. As a result, we found that the analyzed series show in their characters and plots the characteristics of generation Y found in the readings of specialized texts consulted, to be specific, the digital environment as an integral part of their lives, the use of social networks as a means of communication with their peers and their environment, unstable and changing employment situation, open attitude towards gender issues, feminism, sexual, reproductive and ecological rights, disenchantment with the capitalist system and the desire to change it for one that is fairer , among others. We conclude that studies of this type are important because media products allow us to “take the pulse of an era” (García Martínez, 2021, p. 12) and that they should be expanded to other media and formats such as cinema, web series, advertising, video clips, video games, among others.


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Author Biography

Verónica Sandra Fuenmayor Contreras, Instituto de Investigaciones de la Comunicación Facultad de Humanidades y EducaciónUniversidad Central de Venezuela

Licenciada en Psicología de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) y Magíster Scientiarum en Comunicación Social del Instituto de Investigaciones de la Comunicación (ININCO) de la UCV. Profesora e investigadora del ININCO y miembro del Comité Académico de la Especialización para el Uso Creativo de la TV de este mismo instituto. Además, participa como investigadora del Observatorio Iberoamericano de la Ficción Televisiva (OBITEL), capítulo Venezuela, proyecto en el que participan investigadores de doce países.



How to Cite

Fuenmayor Contreras, Verónica Sandra. 2021. “Millennials and Their Reflection on Screen. Reloaded”. Anuario ININCO / Investigaciones De La Comunicación 33 (1):22-41.