Los Sims: un videojuego para la Educomunicación



Video games over time have become more relevant in modern society, not only for recreational purposes but as a support for educational purposes. This understanding, which has been achieved through research in the study of media education, is an advance that allows us to combine play platforms towards a pedagogical proposal. For this reason, this essay aims to analyze the game "The Sims" (2000, Maxis) with the aim of defining its educommunicative characteristics, based on the premise of Pilar Lacasa who maintains that with computer games "you think and reflect passionately" (2011, p. 16), where the purpose of this educommunicational practice is critical autonomy.


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Author Biography

José Ramón Flores Alcalá, Maestría en Comunicación Social. Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Licenciado en Comunicación Social de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), Técnico Superior Universitario en Informática del Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Venezuela (IUTV). Tesista de la Maestría en Comunicación Social del Instituto de Investigación de la Comunicación (ININCO) de la UCV. Actualmente se desempeña como periodista de investigación en el portal de noticias 15minutos.com.





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