Learning Outside of Classrom: Assassin҆s Creed II as a Topic of Interest in Social Interaction



Today's learning presents a characteristic challenge, capturing the attention of adolescents and young people who invest their time in video games. The versatility that they possess could be taken to the academic field, having in mind that the educational system could turn this attention to their favor. Therefore, the search for an existing relationship between the content of some video games and social relations could be established around the discussion of these themes as well as the use of other information sources such as comics, books and movies, in order to nurture said interaction. For this the level of research used was descriptive and exploratory in order to scrutinize each one of the aspects of this object of study. The technique of gathering information used was the interview, in order to know the experiences of some players with the Assassin's Creed II videogame.


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Author Biography

Danilo Mauricio Ospina Orjuela , Universidad Central de Venezuela

Investigador y sociólogo Magna Cum Laude egresado de la Escuela de Sociología, de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.


— Updated on 2020-12-31

How to Cite

Ospina Orjuela , Danilo Mauricio. 2020. “Learning Outside of Classrom: Assassin҆s Creed II As a Topic of Interest in Social Interaction”. Anuario ININCO / Investigaciones De La Comunicación 32 (1):78-86. http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_ai/article/view/29072.



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