Perception of the quality of nursing care in oncological patients from the ecuadorian austro
Perception, quality of care, nursing careAbstract
Introduction: The quality of nursing care understood as the way in which nursing professionals implement interventions in a timely and safe manner to meet the needs of patients in the various areas of care and specifically in the area of oncology, whose perspective from The one that can be valued the maximum well-being and safety of the patient is through the appreciation that the patient himself has about the care he receives during his stay, care that translates into the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the client / patient, The strengthening of the bond patient-nursing will be reflected in the timely satisfaction of their needs in its entirety.
Objective: To determine the perception of the quality of nursing care in oncological patients from the Ecuadorian Austro, 2018.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional quantitative investigation was carried out; with a sample of 216 users who attend cancer treatment using the internationally validated Quality of Nursing Care Perception questionnaire (CUCACE). The information was processed in the SPSS version 23 program, it allowed to identify frequencies, percentages and association of the variables under study.
Results: 70% are people over 65 years of age, predominantly female and married with 86% and 85% respectively. 65.3% have a positive perception of the quality of nursing care, in addition a correlation with statistical significance was found with the variable age (p = 0.000) and level of education (p = 0.001).
Conclusions: The patients who participated in the research who come to the oncology area for consultation, expressed a degree of positive satisfaction in the care and care received from the nursing field, specifically those diagnosed with breast cancer and other types of cancer express greater degree of satisfaction in their perception. In addition to the sociodemographic variables, age and level of education showed a certain degree of association with the level of satisfaction in the quality of care received.
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