Evaluation of HER2/Neu gene in equivocal cases assessed by IHC in invasive breast cancer
HER2/Neu gene, equivocal cases, IHC, invasive breast cancerAbstract
Introduction: “HER2 is a proto-oncogene” establish on “chromosome 17q” coding tyrosine kinase receptor situated on the external membrane of the breast epithelial cells. “HER2” acts on epidermal growing element to regulator numerous cellular tasks, like propagation and differentiation of cell, cell persistence, “apoptosis, angiogenesis, migration, and metastasis”, the aim of study is showed the frequency of “Her-2/neu gene” extension in Ca. breast identified as “score 2+ by IHC” and to companion with (age, ER status and the pathological grade and stage). Method: This study was conducted over three years period from 2017-2019 and included 77 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma with equivocal Her 2 IHC results (2+). Specimen included 43 mastectomies and 34 breast core needle biopsies referred to Duhok central laboratory and Vajin private laboratory. ER status (negative versus positive) and ki67 were already done by immunohistochemistry technique for all the cases. Relation of Her2 gene status was studied in relation to different parameters including age, estrogen receptor (ER) status and ki67, for mastectomy cases, also tumor grade and pathological stage were available. Results: Cross sectional study of 77 patients with mean age (49 ± 11) years old, (26%) of patients with amplified Her2 status, (84%) of patients with positive estrogen receptor, (48%) of patients with grade II and (41.6%), with high Ki 67 (more than 20), (31.2%) of patients with T2 tumor size, (13%) of patients with N1, N2 lymph node include, finally (63.3%) of patients are below age 50 years. There is a significant association between Her2 status and grade of tumor. Conclusion: FISH is best method for evaluation of “Her-2/neu gene status” particularly for confusing patients evaluated by IHC that are no attended by correct gene strengthening in the patients with breast Ca. Amplified Her2 position related with grade III of tumor.
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