Borderline ovarian tumor in a 40-year-old patient: a case report and review of literature


  • Marco Tapia Ávila
  • Danilo Vaca Pérez
  • Darwin Cervantes Ortega
  • Ángel Prieto Nina
  • María Chalan Analuisa
  • Sandra Chanatasig Mallitasig
  • Diana Valle Valles
  • Viviana Sanguña Jáco
  • Christian Jarro Sánchez
  • Andrea Paredes Peralta


Borderline ovarian tumor, benignity, laparotomy, adnexectomy


Borderline or low malignant potential ovarian tumors are an intermediate entity of benign and malignant tumors whose histological alterations of the ovarian epithelial cells do not meet specific criteria for benignity or malignancy. They are tumors that generally appear during the 3rd - 4th decade of a woman's life and are diagnosed limited to the ovary in 80% of cases. In this way, the biological-oncological behavior is very good with a global survival to 10 years of 90% for initial stages and 60-70% for advanced stages. Clinically show few symptoms such as abdominal distension and oppressive pain. Imaging studies are important since it can help to consider your diagnosis, it is recommended to first perform an abdominopelvic ultrasound and then an abdominopelvic tomography. We present a 40-year-old patient case, nulliparous with a desire to preserve fertility, performing an early diagnosis and subsequent intervention with exploratory laparotomy plus left adnexectomy with a satisfactory evolution in 48 hours.


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How to Cite

Tapia Ávila, M. ., Vaca Pérez , D. ., Cervantes Ortega , D. ., Prieto Nina, Ángel ., Chalan Analuisa, M. ., Chanatasig Mallitasig, S. ., Valle Valles, D. ., Sanguña Jáco, V. ., Jarro Sánchez, C. ., & Paredes Peralta, A. . (2023). Borderline ovarian tumor in a 40-year-old patient: a case report and review of literature. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(4). Retrieved from