Adaptation and validation of the woman abuse screening tool (WAST) in peruvian university students
WAST, Woman Abuse Screening Tool, Intimate Partner Violence, college studentsAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To adapt and validate the Woman Abuse Screening Tool in Peruvian university students.
METHODOLOGY: Instrumental study developed in 417 female university students selected by non-probabilistic sampling. The adapted and validated instrument was the Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST). Descriptive analyses were performed, as well as content validity through Aiken's V, construct validity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and reliability through Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's Omega coefficient. The R study statistical program was used for these analyses.
RESULTS: Adequate values were found in the content validity by V Aiken (V= 0.89 - 1.00); likewise, in terms of factor analysis (CFA) the single factor model showed better values in the fit indices such as X2=48.037; GFI=0.997; CFI=0.994; TLI=0.992; SRMR=0.049; RMSEA=0.058 and as for reliability it reported an α=0.86 and ω=0.90 those values show that the instrument is reliable.
CONCLUSIONS: The Woman Abuse Screening Tool Peruvian Spanish version demonstrated adequate psychometric values of validity and reliability in university women, so its use in the screening of intimate partner violence is recommended.
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