Scientific production of the RENACYT researchers from the public universities of the Peruvian Amazon in the Scopus database
Scientific production, research professor, RENACYT, Scopus, publicationAbstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the scientific production of RENACYT researchers from public universities in the Peruvian Amazon in the Scopus database. The research was bibliographical, retrospective and descriptive and included 114 teachers who were designated as RENACYT Researchers by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation of Peru (CONCYTEC). The scientific production of these teachers was identified through the search of their publications registered in the Scopus database. According to the results, it was determined that RENACYT researchers from the Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana - UNAP had a greater number and variety of publications in Scopus (586) followed by teachers from the Universidad Nacional Amazónica de Madre de Dios - UNAMAD (106). Similarly, the main types of publications were identified as original articles, conference abstracts, data articles, and letters to the editor. On the other hand, it was found that there were RENACYT researchers belonging to 4 of the 5 universities that did not have any publication in Scopus. Finally, it was concluded that the scientific production of RENACYT researchers was limited in 4 of the 5 targeted universities, so it was necessary to establish policies and mechanisms to promote the publication of the research they carry out, especially in journals with greater impact and indexed. in databases such as Scopus.
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