Analysis of the severity of oxidative stress and the level of apoptosis marker, annexin A5, in relation to the dental indices in bronchiectasis-associated chronic generalized periodontitis



chronic generalized periodontitis, bronchiectasis, dental indices, oxidative stress, apoptosis


Objective. The objective is to study the severity of oxidative stress and the level of apoptosis marker, annexin a5 (AnxA5), in relation to the dental indices in bronchiectasis-associated/non-associated chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP).

Materials and Methods. The study involved 90 CGP patients examined, which were divided into two groups: main group - patients with bronchiectasis-associated CGP, n=50, and experimental group - patients with CGP, n=40. The following dental indices were measured: papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA), periodontal index (PI), gingival sulcus bleeding index (Muhlemann-Cowell), and simplified hygiene index (OHI-s). The oral fluid was studied for the level of biomarkers: total superoxide dismutase (SOD), advanced oxidation protein product (AOPP), malondialdehyde (MDA), and annexin A5 (AnxA5).

Results. The analysis of the levels of oxidative stress markers showed high peroxidation of lipid molecules, high modification of protein molecules, low activity of antioxidant protection, and high intensity of apoptosis in all CGP patients, with a greater severity among patients with comorbid pathology. Patients whose total SOD was within the control group values, had their AnxA5 also within the control group values. The presence of correlations between the levels of biomarkers of oxidative stress and apoptosis, AnxA5, with the dental indices were stronger in patients with comorbid pathology. Correlation analysis revealed a positive, statistically significant relationship between the levels of total SOD, MDA, and AnxA5.

Conclusion. The results obtained indicate the relationship between the intensification of oxidative stress and the increase in the intensity of apoptosis with the deterioration of the periodontal tissues. While the presence of bronchiectasis exacerbates periodontal tissue damage in CGP patients. Also, the results of the study assume SOD to be an apoptosis severity protective factor in bronchiectasis-associated and non-associated CGP patients.


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How to Cite

Artem , S. ., Zelenskiy , V. ., Polunina , E. ., Sarkisov , K. ., & Polunina , O. . (2023). Analysis of the severity of oxidative stress and the level of apoptosis marker, annexin A5, in relation to the dental indices in bronchiectasis-associated chronic generalized periodontitis. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(7). Retrieved from