Recurrent herpetic stomatitis from workers of industrial enterprises burdened with their rhinitis
Therapy, Recurrent Herpetic Stomatitis, Allergic RhinitisAbstract
At industrial enterprises, workers with recurrent herpetic stomatitis, aggravated by allergic rhinitis, were identified as a result of a study of recurrent herpetic stomatitis in industrial workers with allergic diseases, 87 patients aged 21 to 45 years were treated. Before and after immunomodulator therapy, the immune status of workers was assessed. Local immunity of the oral cavity (SIgA), indicators of cellular immunity (the reaction of blast transformation with phytohemagglutinin), indicators of humoral immunity (IgA, IgG, IgE) were assessed, and the C3 component of the compliment was also looked at. The results obtained proved the clinical efficacy of the immunomodulatory drug, lengthening the remission period (p <0,001) of recurrent herpetic stomatitis, as well as improving the clinic of concomitant disease (allergic rhinitis).
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