Caregiver Syndrome of Patients with disabilities belonging to the Juan Montalvo parish from Cayambe Canton, Ecuador


  • María Verónica Aveiga Hidalgo
  • Zoila Mariela Juma Guacan


Caregiver syndrome, disabled person, stress, overload, intervention strategies, prevention


Introduction: Informal health caregivers are subjects susceptible to numerous health complications, the objective of this study was to describe the clinical characteristics of caregivers of patients with disabilities in the Juan Montalvo parish belonging to the Cayambe canton, Ecuador.  Methodology: A study with a cross-sectional and descriptive design was carried out in caregivers of patients with disabilities in the aforementioned parish during the year 2019. A questionnaire was used to evaluate the characteristics of the caregivers. Results: Of the total number of caregivers evaluated, 82% were women, 34% were between 40-49 years old, 34% were single and 49% had only primary education as the level of schooling, 36% of the caregivers were siblings of the patients, 51% had 10 years or more of time as a caregiver, 93% had 12 hours or more in charge of the patients, with 71% of the caregivers with poor economic situation and 89% did not receive financial remuneration. 53% experienced stress and arterial hypertension was the most frequent antecedent with 52%. Conclusion: After the results obtained, it can be seen that the caregivers have a lack of knowledge about the caregiver syndrome, for this reason a training program, preventive measures and relaxation and motivation exercises were executed to improve their living conditions.


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How to Cite

Aveiga Hidalgo, M. V. ., & Juma Guacan, Z. M. . (2023). Caregiver Syndrome of Patients with disabilities belonging to the Juan Montalvo parish from Cayambe Canton, Ecuador. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 41(8). Retrieved from