Scientific production of Ecuadorian Universities
Research, publishing, higher education, scientific production, Scopus.Abstract
Scientific production is a topic of vital importance in Ecuadorian Universities, year after year the evaluation standards and rankings of publications of Higher Education Institutions take these indicators as a reference to determine the quality of each one of them. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the reality of the country in this area and the increase in the dissemination of knowledge in recent years. The objective of this research was to determine the state of development of scientific production in Ecuadorian universities, in the period from 2015 to 2019, with an analysis of its global, national, and local context. The following were used as data collection instruments: scientific databases, national control, accreditation agencies, and digital repository websites. The results showed that in Ecuador, universities in category A are more productive in terms of high-impact publications; however, there is evidence of great progress in type B universities in the factors referring to research and dissemination of results in scientific databases. In conclusion, Ecuadorian universities have made progress in research compared to previous years.
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