Microorganismos multirresistentes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital General del Norte Los Ceibos, Ecuador


  • James Neira Borja
  • Cristóbal Espinoza Diaz
  • Clara Mejía Chele
  • José Mesías Ortega
  • Gloria Llerena Morales
  • Luis Toapanta Basantes
  • Alfredo Cassis Dahik
  • Duban Castañeda Morales
  • Gabriel Mendieta Marcillo
  • Lizeth Mosquera Meza
  • Karen Barragán Arias
  • Hugo Saquipay Ortega


Objective: To evaluate the bacterial resistance patterns in the intensive care unit of the Hospital General del Norte Los Ceibos, Ecuador. Materials and methods: An observational, retrospective, and descriptive study was carried out in adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit of the aforementioned hospital, during the period January to July 2018, using the clinical data of the medical records department. Results: Of the 80 patients evaluated, the overall age was 55.6±12, 55% (n=44) were female, the most frequent pathologies were mechanical ventilation associated pneumonia (43.8%; n=35) followed by intravascular catheter associated infection (25%; n=20). The most common microorganisms were: Klebsiella pneumoniae (50%; n=40), Acinetobacter baumanii (25%; n=20), Staphylococcus epidermidis (18.8%; n=15), and Pseudomona aeuriginosa (6.25%; n=5). Colimycin and amikacin were the antibiotics with the highest sensitivity with 60 and 40%, respectively. Conclusion: There is a high percentage of bacterial resistance, especially to the main isolated microorganisms (Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumanii), in samples taken from patients in the intensive care unit of the Hospital General del Norte Los Ceibos, Ecuador, with colistin and amikacin being the only therapeutic alternatives in this group of patients.

Keywords: epidemiology, infection, bacterial resistance, critical care, klebsiella spp.


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How to Cite

Neira Borja, J. ., Espinoza Diaz, C. ., Mejía Chele, C. ., Mesías Ortega, J. ., Llerena Morales, G. ., Toapanta Basantes, L. ., Cassis Dahik, A. ., Castañeda Morales, D. ., Mendieta Marcillo, G. ., Mosquera Meza, L. ., Barragán Arias, K. ., & Saquipay Ortega, H. (2023). Microorganismos multirresistentes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital General del Norte Los Ceibos, Ecuador. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 40(5). Retrieved from http://saber.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_aavft/article/view/25860