Turismo médico en el pacífico mexicano. El caso de la clínica oceánica en Mazatlán, México
Health tourism in its medical aspect has taken a special interest in trends in the travel and tourism market. Objective: to establish the existing relationship between a Mexican tourist destination and a private company that offers health services with more than 25 years of presence in it. Methodology: Documentary and field research techniques were developed under a qualitative research approach using the semi-structured interview. Results: People who come to the clinic make the trip for health reasons and not as tourists, as expressed in much of the literature on medical tourism. Conclusions: The clinic under study operates detached from the tourist authorities, it is offered in the destination as a rehabilitation center, it is suggested to conceive the phenomenon as "trips for health reasons", instead of health, medical or wellness tourism.
Keywords: Health Tourism, Medical tourists, Surgical tourism
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