Contenido principal del artículo
Gracias a los avances desarrollados a nivel mundial en el campo de la reproducción asistida, es factible obtener un incremento en el número de embriones por ciclo estral de una hembra donadora élite, con la ayuda de tratamientos hormonales superovulatorios, logrando la preñez y el nacimiento de las crías al transferirlos a receptoras sincronizadas. De esta manera, se alcanza un mayor número de descendencias a partir de un animal con excelentes cualidades, tanto productivas como genéticas, logrando maximizar la explotación de la especie. Uno de los pasos, de suma importancia en este proceso denominado transferencia de embriones, lo constituye la criopreservación, ya que a través de esta técnica podemos conservar durante un prolongado período de tiempo un embrión de excelente calidad, permitiendo utilizarlo cuando y donde se produzcan las condiciones favorables para lograr la preñez de las hembras receptoras. Desde la primera criopreservación de embriones mamíferos lograda con éxito en los años 70, este campo ha alcanzado grandes avances, todos dirigidos a estandarizar técnicas simples y rápidas en su ejecución, económicas, aplicables a campo, y lo más importante, que ocasionen el menor daño posible al embrión. Debido a la importancia de la criobiología en la reproducción animal, la presente revisión desarrollará aspectos básicos de los distintos métodos de criopreservación de embriones disponibles en el ámbito mundial.
Embryo Cryopreservation: A Basic Tool in Assisted Reproduction
As a result of the advances achieved worldwide in the field of assisted reproduction, it is feasible to obtain an increase in the number of embryos per estrous cycle from a female donor, using superovulation treatments. These embryos will be transferred to synchronized recipient females to become pregnant and get a higher number of offspring from an animal with excellent productive and genetic qualities. One of the most important steps during the process of embryo transfer is the cryopreservation of good quality embryos. With this technique, the embryos are preserved for a long period of time, allowing them to be transferred at a give moment. Since the first cryopreservation of mammal embryos in the 70’s, the field has reached a significant progress towards the standardization of the method, achieving a simple, fast, economic, and applicable technique; and, most importantly, without damage to the embryo. Due to the importance of cryobiology in animal reproduction, the following review will focus on basic aspects of the different methods of embryos cryopreservation throughout the world.
Embryo Cryopreservation: A Basic Tool in Assisted Reproduction
As a result of the advances achieved worldwide in the field of assisted reproduction, it is feasible to obtain an increase in the number of embryos per estrous cycle from a female donor, using superovulation treatments. These embryos will be transferred to synchronized recipient females to become pregnant and get a higher number of offspring from an animal with excellent productive and genetic qualities. One of the most important steps during the process of embryo transfer is the cryopreservation of good quality embryos. With this technique, the embryos are preserved for a long period of time, allowing them to be transferred at a give moment. Since the first cryopreservation of mammal embryos in the 70’s, the field has reached a significant progress towards the standardization of the method, achieving a simple, fast, economic, and applicable technique; and, most importantly, without damage to the embryo. Due to the importance of cryobiology in animal reproduction, the following review will focus on basic aspects of the different methods of embryos cryopreservation throughout the world.
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