Distribución y Abundancia de los Huevos de Estróngilos Digestivos en Ovinos de Diferentes Grupos Etarios Naturalmente Infectados
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Las helmintosis gastrointestinales y especialmente las estrongilidosis en los ovinos son una de las principales limitantes en la producción de esta especie animal, debido a las serias alteraciones orgánicas que pueden causar en estos hospederos y a los costos que generan su tratamiento y control. A objeto de determinar la prevalencia y cargas parasitarias de las infecciones naturales por estróngilos digestivos, que permitan conocer la distribución de dichas infecciones en un rebaño ovino del estado Aragua, fueron examinados mediante la técnica de Mc Master, mensualmente 70 ovinos de 4 grupos etarios diferentes: grupo 1: corderos lactantes (n=5); grupo 2: corderos destetados (n=26); grupo 3: ovejas (n=36); grupo 4: sementales (n=3), durante el periodo junio-noviembre de 2003. El valor de prevalencia de infecciones por estróngilos digestivos resultó siempre alto (promedio= 43,64 % durante todo el estudio), independientemente (Prueba de Kruskal-Wallis) de la edad de los animales (p< 0,05). No hubo relación (pruba de x2) entre las cargas parasitarias y la edad de los animales (p>0,05). Las infecciones mostraron un patrón de distribución sobredispersado dentro de los animales muestreados, lo que se evidencia con los bajos valores de Coeficiente K (K=0,10-0,36); los HPG (Huevos por Gramo de Heces) promedio estuvieron afectados más por la cantidad de animales con altas cargas por muestreo, que por el número total de animales infectados en cada mes. La mayoría de las infecciones no revistió importancia clínica, las altas cargas parasitarias representaron un bajo porcentaje dentro de cada grupo (5,56 a 13,3%).
Distribution and Abundance of Digestive Strongyles Eggs in Different Age Groups
Ovine gastrointestinal helmintosis, specially strongylidosis, is one of the main limitants in this animal specie production, due to serious organics alterations it produces in the hosts and to high cost of treatment and control. In order to determine how digestive strongyles natural infections are distributed in an Aragua’s state ovine herd, infection prevalence and parasitic burden were assesed. A total of 70 ovines, grouped by age Group 1= preweaning lambs (n=5); Group 2= weaning lambs (n=26); Group 3= ewes (n=36); Group 4= rams (n=3), were examinated by the Mc Master technique every month within the period of June-November 2003. Prevalence of digestive strongyles infections were always high, independently of age group (p< 0.05). There was not relation between parasitic burdens and animals’ age (p>0.05) by x2 test. Infections shown an overdispersed distribution pattern within examinated animals, confirmed by low K values (K= 0.10-0.36); egg per gram of feces (EPG) average were mostly affected by the number of high burden animals´ rather than by the total number of infected animals in each month. Most infections were not clinically relevant. High parasitic burden represented a low percentage within each group (5.56-13.3%).
Distribution and Abundance of Digestive Strongyles Eggs in Different Age Groups
Ovine gastrointestinal helmintosis, specially strongylidosis, is one of the main limitants in this animal specie production, due to serious organics alterations it produces in the hosts and to high cost of treatment and control. In order to determine how digestive strongyles natural infections are distributed in an Aragua’s state ovine herd, infection prevalence and parasitic burden were assesed. A total of 70 ovines, grouped by age Group 1= preweaning lambs (n=5); Group 2= weaning lambs (n=26); Group 3= ewes (n=36); Group 4= rams (n=3), were examinated by the Mc Master technique every month within the period of June-November 2003. Prevalence of digestive strongyles infections were always high, independently of age group (p< 0.05). There was not relation between parasitic burdens and animals’ age (p>0.05) by x2 test. Infections shown an overdispersed distribution pattern within examinated animals, confirmed by low K values (K= 0.10-0.36); egg per gram of feces (EPG) average were mostly affected by the number of high burden animals´ rather than by the total number of infected animals in each month. Most infections were not clinically relevant. High parasitic burden represented a low percentage within each group (5.56-13.3%).
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